What if the slide action loses it’s buttery-smooth feel?

A good cleaning of the lid and its track should take care of it. Use some tissue and a ballpoint pen, make a micro wad with the tissue, and get into two key areas: – The groove on the underside of the lid. Make sure to slide it to get at it from both sides. […]

What lighters fit in the Tōk?

The standard (classic) Bic and mini both fit, except for some classics with plastic novelty wraps; those can be a tight fit (sorry Riders’ fans!)  Clipper minis and Ronson butane plastic refillables fit just fine, too.

Is the Tōk warrantied?

Sure is. Did you wear it out?  Congratulations, power user! (You must be a fidgeter.) We’ll repair or replace your Tōk unless it looks like you’ve been doing your absolute best to smash it. Wear out the next one, too?  We’ve still got you…and depending on what you’re up to with these babies, we may […]

Is it smell-proof?

Some people find there’s no noticeable smell from their pocket or purse when their pre rolls are in the Tōk. What we’ve learned from customers is it really depends on the potency of what you’re packing. There is a tiny, tiiiiiiny gap between the lid and the body though, so dropping a lit joint into […]

Is it waterproof?

Going rafting, eh? Let’s just say if whatever you’re doing is making your hands wet enough to make a joint soggy, you should probably find a dry pocket for your Tōk. That said, grabbing it with wet hands or setting it on a wet surface will be no problem.

Is my Tōk indestructible?

Well, that depends.  While it’s crafted to fit your rugged lifestyle, are we talking about crushing it with a 190,000 lb Caterpillar D10 or just slamming a door on it? One customer drove their car over their Tōk and it was fine.  We like to say work hard, play hard, Tōk hard…and when shit happens, […]

What fits the holes in the Tōk?

Most, if not all, factory-made  half-gram pre-rolls. As for those you twist yourself, it depends on how big you roll ‘em! Most folks can actually fit 2 or 3 joints in each hole.  The exact dimensions are  ½” diameter x 3.3” long  and 13mm diameter x 84mm long, but to help you visualize: if you […]